Hi there and welcome to the PCG Blog. Just like the web page itself, the reason for this page is to provide you with on-going information on Parker Communications Group, what we’re up to these days, and to provide you with some tid bits on temperament typing. With temperament typing, the old adage is very true “Use it or lose it”. Sure, even if you don’t review the materials you’ll remember your specific type, but there is so much more valuable information that makes typing a very valuable tool in business, with family and in your social circles. If you’re a past
participants, you now have the option of going to the Downloads page. There you can enter the password and look through information related to Personality Dimensions® and temperament typing. Review the information you’ve already received, check out some new materials. Just keep working at it.
If you have questions, especially if you have taken one of my workshops, or if you have any suggestions about the blog, please contact me at richard@parkercomm.ca. I’ll get back to you as soon as I am able. Have a great month, Richard